Where are the real life fairytales?

I have been told there is a chance I dream too much. According to the people who know me, I don’t dream big, I dream impossible. My question is, has a dream ever killed anyone? Hey – if all I’m going to do is dream then I might as well dream huge!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

I have been told there is a chance I dream too much. According to the people who know me, I don’t dream big, I dream impossible. My question is, has a dream ever killed anyone? Hey – if all I’m going to do is dream then I might as well dream huge!I used to be one of those girly girls when I was younger. That means I lived for stories like Cinderella, Snow White, Rapunzel and Sleeping Beauty. At one point, I wore sweaters on my head, pretending my hair was as long as Rapunzel’s (well not quite) then look through the living room window (which was supposed to be the tower in which I was locked) waiting for a prince on a horse!Okay so maybe that was a little over the top. Eventually, I was rudely pulled back down from the clouds I was chilling in and realized that life is a different story all together. Fairytales end with the prince and princess riding off into the sunset to begin their new life together as man and wife, a life full of promise, romance and, above all, love. In real life, love will put you on cloud nine, but when the initial high starts wearing off, then comes the real challenge of making it last. The I-told-you-so’s and the I-knew-you-would-do this, take over and all we do is clash.Yeah we fall in love – but with whom? If it’s a guy with the looks of a Greek god, he probably doesn’t have 2 francs to rub together. If it’s a guy with more money than you can ever hope to spend, no offense but he probably looks like he should live under a bridge or something. I think Kate Middleton and Prince William make for a great fairytale. Will they live happily ever after? No one knows the answer to that. Even though she wasn’t cleaning up after evil step mothers and b*%#@ sisters, she got something most little girls dream of. The prince on the horse! The very rich prince, on the horse! Well, there was Princess Diana and Prince Charles but you see, in fairytales, the prince doesn’t cheat on the princess. They also don’t get divorced either…they are supposed to live happily ever after. Keep the dream alive, it’s better than not dreaming at all. Dreams are my happy place. Maybe my Knight in shinning armour will rescue me one day, maybe he won’t. He won’t have to be the Duke of Kibagabaga or anything…but in my eyes, he will be a prince!