‘The Truth about Rwanda’

Editor, This is with reference to the article published in The New Times, June 20, titled “The Truth about Rwanda” by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Louise Mushikiwabo.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Editor,This is with reference to the article published in The New Times, June 20, titled "The Truth about Rwanda” by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Louise Mushikiwabo.It is indeed very sad and depressing to see how Human Rights Watch has made false allegations about Rwanda, with regard to the current unrest in eastern DRC.  Such organisations must realise the tremendous damage they are causing to the two countries, especially the ordinary Congolese citizens, by spreading dangerous propaganda without even making any sincere effort to check the authenticity and credibility of such reports.The 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi should be a constant and a strong reminder to such organisations that all delicate and sensitive issues should be dealt with the utmost care and concern before peddling such factually incorrect stories to the mass media.Furthermore, the UN Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) seems to be defeating the very purpose for which it was set up and instead of enabling security, is in actual fact, causing instability.However, the truth about Rwanda will always prevail no matter how much some organisations conspire against this beautiful country and to discredit all the good work being done by the Government and the people of Rwanda.Clarence Fernandes


Editor,The opinion piece by Minister Louise Mushikiwabo was, in my own understanding,  something that needed to be said. We are familiar with the famous quote "the truth will set you free”. Ms Mushikiwabo rightly set the record straight by speaking out the long ignored truth about Rwanda. People always don’t want to hear the truth and instead get interested in listening to speculation. Many thanks to Louise for standing firm for the sake of truth and peace. Truth will be known by all no matter how long it might take.Julius Kalisa Rwakamera