Be wary of the meddlers in DRC

Rwanda has again, against its wish, been turned into a punching bag of Congolese politics. The onslaught started when a section of the Congolese army mutinied.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Rwanda has again, against its wish, been turned into a punching bag of Congolese politics. The onslaught started when a section of the Congolese army mutinied.It did not help matters that the mutineers were mostly composed of Kinyarwanda speaking Congolese who were protesting some unfulfilled promises from their government.So it did not come as a surprise when the same old gang; that includes Human Rights Watch and some bureaucratic UN officials, started to shift attention from their shortfalls and dragged Rwanda into the fray.Reading from reports coming out of Kinshasa, especially from the government spokesperson, Lambert Mende, one wonders why for God’s sake they are seeing Rwanda’s shadow at every turn.The timing of Mende’s accusations as reported in the media, that someone in Kigali was feeding the problems in the DRC, is not only irresponsible but a sign of bad faith.The accusations come in the wake of a high powered Rwandan government delegation to Kinshasa that met with President Kabila and other senior officials.The aim of the visit, as the Congolese spokesperson knows very well, was to find a solution to the DRC panacea. Anyway, what would be the logic in souring relations with the DRC at a time in history when they are at their best and the region was humming peace?Our countries should not fall prey to the machinations of some foreign forces who have some dark agendas up their sleeves, because in unity lies strength.