Kirehe famillies receive cows

Kirehe-The Kirehe Community-based Watershed Management Project (KWAMP) donated 115 cows to vulnerable families in Kiremera village of Kigarama sector, yesterday.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Kirehe-The Kirehe Community-based Watershed Management Project (KWAMP) donated 115 cows to vulnerable families in Kiremera village of Kigarama sector, yesterday.The project, which promotes market-oriented agriculture in the district, is expected to donate 900 cows to needy families that were identified by local leaders in different sectors of the district.Gabriel Kamanzi, who is in charge of farming at the project, warned the beneficiaries that the exotic cows given to them would be a waste if they were not catered for as required."These are cows capable of maximising milk production if well fed and treated…they are, however, delicate and need maximum care,” he told the beneficiaries.Colette Mukaminega, one of the beneficiaries, noted that the benefits accrued in embracing modern farming were clear to all farmers."This is a turning point in the village, particularly to those who got the cows…it virtually puts us in another socio-economic status.”