Governor cautions leaders against misuse of funds

HUYE- The Governor of the Southern Province, Alphonse Munyantwari, has warned local leaders against misappropriation of funds.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

HUYE- The Governor of the Southern Province, Alphonse Munyantwari, has warned local leaders against misappropriation of funds. Munyantwari was speaking during a one-day training workshop that brought together district auditors, sector executive secretaries and accountants. According to the governor, some officials spend funds in an ‘unplanned manner’.Presently, each of the sectors, countrywide, receives 10 percent of all collected taxes and 50 percent of additional generated revenues.Organised by the provincial management, the function focused on educating the local leaders on various laws, including tax and public procurement laws, as well as the labour code, among others."If we expect to get better results from the limited resources we have, we need to plan how to utilise the funds,” Munyantwari underscored."Planning and organisation are key to success. Without that, it will be difficult to meet our targets”. The Executive Secretary of Runda Sector, Kamonyi District, Christine Nyirandayisabye,  told The New Times that lack of skills was a challenge to most of them."We were not well equipped on these laws and regulations, but now we hope to improve on our weaknesses,” she said, citing public tendering processes as a field where most lack sufficient skills.