Man arrested for bribing police officer

Police arrested a member of Nyamasheke Driving School in Nyamasheke District, for allegedly trying to bribe a police officer, who was supervising practical driving licence tests in the area, with Rwf 1.1 million.

Thursday, June 21, 2012
Police Spokesperson Supt Theos Badege.

Police arrested a member of Nyamasheke Driving School in Nyamasheke District, for allegedly trying to bribe a police officer, who was supervising practical driving licence tests in the area, with Rwf 1.1 million.According to Police, the suspect had promised to give the officer, IP John Niyibizi, Rwf 300, 000 cash and a Rwf 800,000 cheque, if he bent rules to help his students pass the tests.Niyibizi accepted and the suspect promised to bring it shortly as he did not have the money with him.The man, names withheld, later called the officer on the sideline and gave him Rwf190, 000, which the latter gave to one of the students to count and informed them of the giver’s intentions.The suspect, who is currently detained at Nyamasheke Police station, tried to escape in the process, but he was immediately apprehended.Police Spokesperson, Theos Badege, who confirmed the arrest, said despite the efforts to warn the public about bribery, there are those who are still involved in these corrupt tendencies.There have been reports that some candidates bribe driving schools’ proprietors to be precipitately registered to sit for the driving test.While the substantial driving tests are conducted once in two months, those in driving schools are conducted every month.Currently, there are over 44 driving schools in the country, but not more than 30 are accredited.Badege said giving driving schools rights to hold driving tests under the supervision of police, was aimed at facilitating candidates to travel short distances and reduce their costs."Police has ensured that traffic test venues are decentralised to ensure easy access. Transparency has been enhanced to avoid unfairness but people still attempt to buy their way out,” noted Badege.About 35 driving license candidates have been arrested since January, for attempting to bribe police officers.