Ruth eclipses Nancy as fans favourite at TPF 5

In an abrupt twist of events, South Sudan’s songstress Nancy Chan fell out of favour with the Tusker Project Fame 5 (TPF5) audience after a wanting rendition of Katy Perry’s “fireworks” much to the stern disapproval of judges.    

Wednesday, June 20, 2012
The five contestants are on probation parade on stage with TPF5u2019 host Dr. Mich (L). The New Time / Courtesy.

In an abrupt twist of events, South Sudan’s songstress Nancy Chan fell out of favour with the Tusker Project Fame 5 (TPF5) audience after a wanting rendition of Katy Perry’s "fireworks” much to the stern disapproval of judges.     Nancy, who has been on everybody’s lips for her strong vocal range and electrical performances, was on Sunday eclipsed by Kenya’s Ruth Matete, who had the crowd in a frenzy with an electrifying rendition of Beyoncé Knowles’ hit song "Best thing I ever had.”  Her well projected vocals overlapped those of the back-up singers and her stage performance had the usually stern Judge Ian Mbugua in a daze. The petite damsel was the night’s favourite with Ian terming the six contestants, who had performed previously as curtain raisers for Ruth’s sterling performance.       Ugandan crooner, Juliana Kanyomozi reprimanded her saying "this was not one of your better performances.”This week, five contestants are on probation; Rwanda’s Fatuma Muhonza, Eunice Guttu from Kenya, Tanzanian Damian Minayo, Ugandan Allan Sekiranda and Nancy Chan from South Sudan.Muhonza’s rendition of a Jennifer Hudson’s "Where you at” saw her take a lot of heat from the judges for poor microphone technique and her inability to control her voice. In an interview with The New Times, Muhonza requested Rwandans and the rest of East African to vote for her."I have the talent and those who have seen me perform know it. However, without the support from Rwandans and my fans from the region, I won’t be able to survive this Saturday’s evictions,” said Muhonza."I request everyone to vote for me as many times as possible. I am very confident that with your votes, I’ll make it to the finals.”The 24-year-old Rwandan beauty also commented about the TPF5 Judges and said that they were all professional and great people.  "Although most people who watch Tusker Project Fame hate Judge Ian Mbugua because of his remarks, I must say that he is a kind person. He is proficient and talks the truth. Of course he gives credit where it’s due,” she added.To vote for Fatuma Muhonza, simply text TPF 9 and send it to 733.Rwanda’s Jackson Kalimba did not have the benefit of immunity from the faculty and he had to sing his heart out for his survival in the academy. He performed the popular hit "Moves like jagger” by Maroon 5. While Ian thought it was okay, Hermes thought the song made him struggle and did nothing to showcase his voice.Joe Irankuda from Burundi was the last performer of the night with Judge Ian describing his performance as okay but "definitely not worth KSh5 million. Kenya’s Doreen Nyawira escaped eviction by a whisker after a prolonged stretch on probation when the public voted for her to stay on in the Tusker Academy.The contestants chose to save Uganda’s Allan Sekiranda, who unfortunately could not stay off the probation list and is once again on the list this week after a weak performance of Chris Brown’s "She ain’t you”.  Uganda’s Sharon Nahkioga was saved by the Faculty.On Sunday, the contestants hit the Tusker Project Fame stage determined to stay off the dreaded list and performed current hit songs in line with show’s theme, ‘Trending’.Nyawira was first on stage to sing a song by Jessie J. She received praises from the judges with Hermes saying, "Whoever voted for you last week is proud of you today.” Kenya’s Steve Holmes had the judges divided over his performance of Usher’s "Without you.”   Asked why he sang it with such emotion, he confessed that he thought of his girlfriend while performing.The self-effacing Kenyan girl, Eunice Gutu performed Jordan Spark’s "battlefield” to a surprising approval from Judge Ian and disapproval from Judges Juliana and Hermes.