Things that every home bar should have

Beers and spirits  Well you can never tell which beer or spirits your visitors will ask for, so its best you stock as many varieties as your shopping list can handle.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Beers and spirits Well you can never tell which beer or spirits your visitors will ask for, so its best you stock as many varieties as your shopping list can handle.Wine Just like beers, you will have to stock a variety. Perhaps a red, a white and a rose wine.Champagne Everyone has that moment where they can’t keep back their excitement. Champagne adds meaning to any celebration. Keep it close.

Crystal Light packetsThese are handy little flavour bursts for mixing drinks too. Champagne punches, vodka and gin drinks are made tastier with flavors like fruit punch, kiwi strawberry and pink lemonade. SodasSodas can be taken or used for punching drinks. Fresh fruitsLeonilla Mukunzi, owner of African Villa restaurant says "fruits are not only for making your own fresh-squeezed juices, but are also a simple way to add flavour to your drinks. Fresh fruits are mandatory in any home bar”Ice compartmentYou frequently need ice. Always have a ready supply on hand