Don’t get involved with who your man is friends with

The one advice every woman will tell you it’s not to try to change your partner because it won’t end well. Honestly, I wouldn’t want to change my partner but one thing I would hope for change is in his choice of friends.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The one advice every woman will tell you it’s not to try to change your partner because it won’t end well. Honestly, I wouldn’t want to change my partner but one thing I would hope for change is in his choice of friends. His friends are smart and fun guys to be around but their choices in lifestyle aren’t always the best. I understand it’s all in the name of fun times but I really don’t like my boyfriend being associated with a group that’s not known for the best of qualities in town. How can I make him understand me without him getting defensive for his friends and feeling resentment towards me? JanetDear Janet,In all honesty, you can’t. When you attack his friends he feels like he’s being attacked as well. His friends are a reflection of who he is as a person and when you don’t like them, you are in trouble. Honestly, don’t even bother trying. Just let him be. If they are really as bad as you say they are, he will figure it out for himself. A wise woman knows when to pick her battles, this isnt one of them. If you have question to ask me, contact