Burera residents get heifers on credit

NORTHERN PROVINCE BURERA — Residents of Cyeru, Rusarabuye and Kidaho sectors in Burera district have received 50 heifers on credit. The cows were availed to them by the Koornzaar Foundation.

Friday, May 09, 2008


BURERA — Residents of Cyeru, Rusarabuye and Kidaho sectors in Burera district have received 50 heifers on credit. The cows were availed to them by the Koornzaar Foundation.

The Netherlands-based organisation handed over the Friesian animals recently through a local organisation ‘Action Nord-Sud Rwanda.’ They pledged to give 50 more animals to other residents before the year ends.

According to officials, the animals are intended to provide both fertilizers and milk especially to children in the area.

Dr. Gabriel Semasaka, the coordinator of Action Nord-Sud Rwanda, explained that the beneficiaries were loaned the cows at a subsidised price of Frw300,000 to be paid within a period of two years.

The payments would be made through Bank Populaire in form of a Community Development Fund which will in turn buy more animals to be given to other community members.

Dr. Arjan Hogewoning who represented the Koornzaar Foundation thanked the government for the plans geared towards fighting poverty in the country.

"This is the beginning of the end of poverty and everyone should strive to become a winner,’’ Dr. Arjan said at the handover of the cows.

During the ceremony, Action Nord-Sud Rwanda rewarded three exemplary farmers who had fully paid back for the cows they received last year from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Present during the function was, Jan Bade the First Secretary, in charge of economic development from the Netherlands Embassy in Rwanda.
