Vocational schools the way to go
Editor, I wish to respond to a story that appeared in yesterday’s issue of The New Times under the headline “Vocational schools get $15m boost.” The move is encouraging because vocational schools provide required skills to graduates.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
EditorI wish to respond to a story that appeared in yesterday’s issue of The New Times under the headline "Vocational schools get $15m boost.” The move is encouraging because vocational schools provide required skills to graduates.This should be the way to go today. In the competitive world of work, getting a job requires experience and relevant skills. I guess the $15m project initiative is just the beginning and this should not be done by the government alone but the private sector too.Vocational schools are also an alternative for those that can’t afford university tuition but at the end of the day; are useful people in society.Norman MudidiKacyiru