Lessons from the Eagles

As teenagers, we ought to learn from our environment. One such example is the life of an eagle. Eagles are very interesting creatures to observe because of the amazing way they live. Here’s a look at four life lessons that we can learn from the behaviour exhibited by eagles.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

As teenagers, we ought to learn from our environment. One such example is the life of an eagle. Eagles are very interesting creatures to observe because of the amazing way they live. Here’s a look at four life lessons that we can learn from the behaviour exhibited by eagles.Adapt and changeWhen eagles get older and their energy starts to fail them, they are known to fly to mountainous areas and shed off their feathers, break their beaks and also remove their old talons! One interesting thing to note is that there is always a new growth of the beak, talons and feathers. This happens in about a period of five months and the eagle is "reborn” with renewed strength and vitality ready to re-conquer the air for many more years to come. What we learn from this act is to adapt to the changes in our surrounding and change or acts.Visionary Eagles have a very sharp vision; they can always identify their prey from a distance while soaring in the air. People should also learn to be visionary, to see into the near and distant future and go for their dreams.Overcome challenges The eagle has been known to soar way above storms and keep flying ahead as opposed to other birds that always hide whenever there is a storm coming. The eagles actually use the storm to push themselves higher. Life throws at us several challenges from exams to lack of money but will you just sit there and wait for a miracle to happen. No way! You study hard, look for a job and eventually get to your desired ‘destination’.Educate other people Young eagles have been known to learn how to fly by observing how their parents fly. At times, some young eagles are reluctant to fly and the parent eagle prompts them to fly by holding food in their beaks while flying around the nest. This usually makes the young ones to fly out of the nest and this is repeated until they become perfect. The lesson that we can learn from this act is to share and educate people on whatever talent we possess so that they can become better. There are always lessons we can learn from the surrounding and the eagle has good life lessons that we can emulate in our daily lives.