Let’s be friendly to science and technology

Dear editor, The global environment is transforming into a technological fraternity, at a whirlwind speed. This should send a signal to every citizen of this world to be friendly to technology, and be highly adoptive.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Dear editor,

The global environment is transforming into a technological fraternity, at a whirlwind speed. This should send a signal to every citizen of this world to be friendly to technology, and be highly adoptive.

Computers should be our friends, because the current and next generations, are technology dominated. So we should eliminate our complexes as regards technology.

This can be attained, if we first of all embrace the preliquisite disciplines, like mathematics, statistics studies and related technological studies that are in place apparently.

After attaining knowledge, rhiming with the technological advancements, we shall be able to manipulate the entire world, hence benefiting.
