NUR to provide lecturers for military college

The National University of Rwanda (NUR) has signed a deal with the Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF) under which the former will provide lecturers for the Rwanda Senior Command and Staff College at Nyakinama, Musanze District.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Chief of Defence staff Lt. Gen. Charles Kayonga (L) and NUR Rector Prof. Silas Lwakabamba sign the agreement yesterday. The New Times / Courtesy.

The National University of Rwanda (NUR) has signed a deal with the Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF) under which the former will provide lecturers for the Rwanda Senior Command and Staff College at Nyakinama, Musanze District.The MoU was signed, yesterday, by NUR Rector, Prof Silas Lwakabamba, and the RDF Chief of Defence Staff, Lt Gen Charles Kayonga."We will be sending professors to teach different courses, and where we don’t have them, we intend to collaborate with other international universities to provide lecturers,” Lwakabamba told journalists after the signing.The lectures for the senior officers will commence next month.The Rector added that the MoU will facilitate the officers who need to undertake Masters or PhDs and those doing research at the Huye-based University.The international military college will also admit officers from various African countries.RDF and Ministry of Defence spokesperson, Brig. Gen. Joseph Nzabamwita, said: "We have been studying these courses abroad, but now we will have them here.” He observed the College will help in imparting more knowledge and elevating the academic level of military officers in the country and Africa as a whole.The college recently got an international curriculum nod and will start with 45 officers, according to the spokesperson