Nigerians invite Kagame to speak on leadership

The Nigerians’ alumni of Oxford and Cambridge universities have invited President Paul Kagame to give a leadership public lecture in Nigeria.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Nigerians’ alumni of Oxford and Cambridge universities have invited President Paul Kagame to give a leadership public lecture in Nigeria.The group of four from Oxford- Cambridge Club of Nigeria, met President Kagame yesterday at Village Urugwiro to present to him their invitation.Speaking to reporters shortly after meeting the Head of State, Akinfela Akoni, president of the alumni club said: "we are here to show our appreciation to the leadership of President Kagame because through his work he has demonstrated very good leadership where by all Rwandans have been united into one family”."We have an annual event which is a public lecture, where we invite very competent individuals to come and deliver a lecture, for instance in the likes of the president, top politicians across the world. So we felt it would be our great honour if President Kagame could come to Nigeria and deliver the leadership lecture due to his exemplary good leadership he has demonstrated in Rwanda.”The members of Oxford-Cambridge Club of Nigeria are drawn from various professions and are leaders in their fields.The club’s aim is to seek ways in which to impact positive change in Nigeria. The story of Rwanda’s recovery has inspired them and, as a result, they are interested in engaging with President Kagame to tap into his wisdom and leadership. One of the principal activities of the club is an annual leadership lecture. In the past, it has been delivered by past Presidents of Nigeria and other high profile leaders from the United Kingdom.Akoni stated that, they were very privileged to have been invited to the official closing ceremony of Gacaca courts which took place yesterday at parliament buildings. "It was a phenomenal experience, where creation of body of law has given such  hope and results to the people of Rwanda,” he noted.Gacaca (semi-traditional courts) opened in June 2002 as a response to the overwhelming backlog of Genocide-related cases and the severe overcrowding of the prison system, provided a solution for the complex nature of the cases related to the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.Faustin Mbundu Kananura, The Chairman of the Private Sector Federation ,who accompanied the Nigerians to meet the Head of State, said President Kagame promised to honour the invitation."The group wants to learn how the Head of State has spearheaded the transformation of Rwanda to become a model state in the region characterised by good governance, unity and reconciliation among others,” he noted.