Gicumbi gets telecentre

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI— The district has acquired a new telecentre thanks to the Rwanda Information Technology Authority (RITA). This could bring to an end the issues of having unreliable Internet services in the district.

Friday, May 09, 2008


GICUMBI— The district has acquired a new telecentre thanks to the Rwanda Information Technology Authority (RITA). This could bring to an end the issues of having unreliable Internet services in the district.

The telecentre was open to the public this week, bringing an end to the long queues that usually formed at the poorly-equipped Internet café in the area.

Gicumbi is among the 12 pilot districts that have benefited from RITA’s programme to extend Information and communication technology in rural areas.

Gabriel Byaruhanga, manager of the centre, said  many locals and students have started turning up to learn ICT and access Internet services.

"We offer ICT training, Internet services, secretarial and hiring of projectors to the local people at cheaper rates,” said Byaruhanga.

Ildephonse Butera, the district vice Mayor for economic affairs told The New Times that RITA would transfer management of the facility to Gicumbi district after a period of six months.

"Currently RITA is paying the telecentre employees and the revenues collected is transferred to the district to enable the centre run independently in future,” said Butera.

He explained that the five-year District Development Plan (DDP) aims to open up similar facilities at Sector levels in Rukomo, Gatuna border and Gaseke to serve the entire district.

Byaruhanga reaffirmed RITA’s resolve to decentralize ICT services countrywide to speed up development from grass root level.

"ICT is provided up to village level in developed countries,” he observed.
