Police should use its radio station to educate society

 Editor, I read in The New Times last week that the national police was in final preparation to start its own radio station. This move is commendable.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

 Editor,I read in The New Times last week that the national police was in final preparation to start its own radio station. This move is commendable. I think the police will use it not only to publicize its activities but to educate all Rwandans about their rights.Some people, especially those living in rural areas, don’t know much about their rights. Some crimes are committed but people fear to report the offenders. Some young girls are defiled or raped but their parents fear to report such cases! Many unscrupulous people take advantage of people’s innocence and naivety to abuse them and go scot free. With the police radio station, this trend should change.Capere