Ombudsman’s Office acquires data storage software

The Office of the Ombudsman on Friday unveiled a new software data storage system worth Rwf96 million to help improve on service delivery and data storage.

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Office of the Ombudsman on Friday unveiled a new software data storage system worth Rwf96 million to help improve on service delivery and data storage.The system is a product of COSEKE Ltd, a Tanzanian IT firm that has been operational for the last 22 years.The Permanent Secretary in the Ombudsman Office, Xavier Mbarubukeye, said the system would not only improve on service delivery, but also reduce on expenses incurred in buying stationery."We had to join others already using this system to ensure that our data is safely stored given the volumes we handle,” said Mbarubukeye."When we receive any written complaint, we shall have to scan it and information will right away be shared amongst all the responsible parties meaning a printout will only be made once the issue reaches the final stages or when recommending the party to the required office.”He explained that the software is part of technological advancement the office is adopting to improve or provide quality and efficient services.The system is expected to electronically capture and manage office information directed to the ombudsman’s office directly from the internet, store or keep it for future use.COSEKE’s Senior Software Engineer, Victor Mutisya, said that the system would ensure that unauthorised persons do not access the information."Each department will have access to their information, but still, senior officers must have security to some information unless they (senior officers) give directives to allow their juniors to get access to such information.” Meanwhile, officials at the Ombudsman’s Office disclosed that they had opened internet cafes in distant areas that do not charge any fee to enable the population access information about the office’s duties and responsibilities as well as enable them to report cases.Currently, they are operational in Rusizi, Ngoma, Nyagatare, Gicumbi, Rubavu and Huye district.