Right to Play boosts sports for disabled children

As a way of celebrating the international day for the African Child, Right to Play, an NGO that uses sport and drama to help disadvantaged children better their lives hosted children country wide over the weekend where children of various ages took part in different games.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

As a way of celebrating the international day for the African Child, Right to Play, an NGO that uses sport and drama to help disadvantaged children better their lives hosted children country wide over the weekend where children of various ages took part in different games.Bugesera beat Kigali stars 51-46 in sitball and National Paralympic Committee Secretary General Celestin Nizeyimana told Times Sport that they would be drafting some of the youngsters who impressed in to different clubs."We are thankful to Right to Play for organising this competition because it not only encourages young disabled people feel they are worth to society but also helps us scout talented youngsters to join sitball clubs,” said Nizeyimana.Right to Play Project Manager for Rwanda Edwin Byusa told this paper that they plan to continue sponsoring sports in a bid to help young children have ‘a better out look at life’.The games were also used as a sport light to high light the dangers of child labour.