Primus Guma Guma Superstar takes over Kigali in style

UNLIKE the upcountry road shows, a helicopter adorned with the Primus Guma Guma Superstar colours, hovered over the massive crowd, splashing leaflets into the anxious fans who were gathered at the parking lot of Petit Stade in Remera.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

UNLIKE the upcountry road shows, a helicopter adorned with the Primus Guma Guma Superstar colours, hovered over the massive crowd, splashing leaflets into the anxious fans who were gathered at the parking lot of Petit Stade in Remera.The Primus Guma Guma Superstar Season 2 (PGGSS 2) came to Kigali with a bang, drawing a huge crowd. The huge parking lot all of a sudden proved small to contain the crowd.After capturing their upcountry audiences, the 10 musicians competing for the top prize for this year’s competition, had an opportunity to impress their Kigali fans and prove why they deserve to remain in the competition as the elimination phase beckons.As usual, the stage was set, the lights and cameras on and expectations high. The MCs, Tino and Anita, never disappointed, as they have been throughout the road shows. The show kicked off at around 4.30p.m with Just Family opening the performances.The trio, who really lacked a sense of fashion, performed to a crowd that perhaps had waited for so long, many people having arrived earlier.The boys performed their songs ‘Rimwe Gusa’, ‘Arahebuje’, and a remix of ‘Ampora ku Mutima’ and their current popular hit ‘Nyorohera’, which is the one that fired up the crowd.Next on stage was upcoming rapper Danny who up to now has maintained good levels of energy despite being new on the scene. The Hip-hop youngster did ‘Ijanisha’, ‘Irijoro’, ‘Nawe usa nkawe’ and ‘Ikirori’ to the delight of a section of the crowd.Songstress Knowles, clad in decent black pants and a red top, proved her determination for the money, pulling off an awesome performance of ‘Ibidashoboka’, ‘Byemere’ and ‘Sinzakwibagirwa’.When it came to performing her famous ‘Nkoraho’ track, again the female singer invited a ‘lucky male fan’ from the crowd.It was none other than Arsene Hahirwinfura, who after fighting through security made it to the stage. The young man literally fought for what he described as a chance in a life time."I love Knowles, I love her so much,” the teenager said displaying the singer’s picture in his wallet. He enjoyed every minute of it, juggling the singer and MC Anita.After Knowless, it was time for Urban Boys to impress the crowd. After performing ‘Mpfukame’, the boys were joined by their current producer Washington from Uganda to the delight of their fans.Urban boys performed ‘Be My Wife’ with Washington, mesmerising the crowd.The Ugandan Producer said he believes Urban Boys have what it takes to win the grand prize."I do believe in the boys, that’s why I am here to support them. They have potential, they stand a big chance to take it,” Washington told The New Times.Safi Niyibikora, one of the members of the boy group said Washington’s presence boosted their chances and gave them more encouragement."We are delighted to have him here, it fired us up. To win or not to win depends on God and the fans but we are in there,” Safi said.One of their diehard fans Valentine Uwineza also gave Urban Boys a chance."They are great, they are sexy, they can sing, they can dance, they are stylish,” the delighted fan said of the group which also performed ‘Take if Off’ and the crowd favourite ‘Sipiriyani’.Perhaps the surprise act of the evening was last year’s winner TomClose, who appeared on stage with his ‘assumed’ adversary Jay Polly to perform their collaboration ‘Warahemutse.’It should be remembered that during last year’s PGGSS, when Jay Polly was dropped in favour of eventual winner Tom Close, fracas ensued, with sections of angered supporters of Jay Polly pelting the stage with stones."I am here at the same stage, where I was pelted with stones last year to perform with Jay Polly to show the people that there is really no enmity in music,” Tom Close told The New Times.Jay Polly also performed his new track ‘Hishamunda’ as well as ‘Ngenawe’ and he proved that he is still very popular with the fans.Bull Dog once again proved that he is a force to reckon with, receiving the crowd’s approval of ‘Bye Bye Nyakatsi’, ‘Jalousie’ and ‘Customer care.’Young Grace too fared well, rapping through ‘Hip Hop’ and ‘Ikimenyane’. The youngest of contestants is in to battle with her bigger peers.King James, last year’s runner up performed ‘Ikirori’ and ‘Ndakwizera’ before sending the crowd wild with ‘Parapara’. The ‘Buhoro buhoro’ singer is still among the favourites to win this year.Dream Boyz too are still in the run for the money. Their performance of ‘What can I do’, ‘Uzambarize mama’ and ‘Mumutashye’ drew massive applause.Now to cap up a nice evening, Riderman deservedly performed last, proving why he remains a threat to other contestants. The rapper fired up the whole crowd singing ‘Mwitende’, ‘Igitaganza’ and what has become the road show favourite ‘Bombori bombori’.This weekend, elimination shows kick off at Expo Grounds in Gikondo.