3 True Facts About Relationships

1. Balancing your love It is inevitable that when two people fall in love with each other, the time will come when one of them will have more love than the other person.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

1. Balancing your loveIt is inevitable that when two people fall in love with each other, the time will come when one of them will have more love than the other person.

This does not mean that one will feel less or fall out of love, but rather, one party begins to grow more and takes the lead role of the relationship and dictates the road that their love will take. It is very seldom that parties in a relationship will share the same level and intensity of love; one will always be stronger than the other.

In considering the true facts about relationships, the person with the stronger feelings normally is responsible for holding the relationship together and guiding it through the tough times. This does not negate the role of the other party because the one with the stronger love will definitely be looking to the partner for motivation and inspiration to keep on going and fighting for the love. This is the delicate balance of love that can result in long-term relationships.2. Find ways to communicateAnother one of the true facts about relationships is that none of them will ever survive if there is no constant and real communication between the parties involved. This is a very delicate and vital component to every real relationship that exists. In fact, this holds true not only in love, but in virtually all types of relationships including business and friendships among others.

It is utterly unfair to expect your partner to be able to read what is on your mind and expect a reaction with your every emotion without explicitly defining your terms. Moreover, many promising relationships have been destroyed simply because the parties failed to communicate with each other or express the feelings that they have. The only time that communication does not become essential is when you are involved in a relationship with yourself.3. Offering acceptanceWhen you decide to be involved in a serious relationship, you need to understand what acceptance means. Basically, acceptance of a partner into your life would mean opening yourself up to the person without reservations. This will allow you to remain comfortable in meeting and interacting with the person regularly. Residing in an emotional ivory tower would be contrary to what you want to achieve in a fruitful relationship.Source: Internet