Les Bleus strike twice after thunderstorms halt clash

DONETSK France came out victorious from a game that will live long in the memory for reasons other than the result.

Friday, June 15, 2012
Delight: Jeremy Menez is mobbed after opening the scoring for France. Net photo.

DONETSKFrance came out victorious from a game that will live long in the memory for reasons other than the result.At 7.30pm local time, with the sky a murderous black and the rain cascading down on to a field that was beginning to resemble a lake, there seemed no chance of getting a football match on. UEFA's Euro 2012 planning looked on the verge of meltdown courtesy of a storm that forced these teams off after only four minutes.But, astonishingly, the pitch at the awesome Donbass Arena withstood the deluge and a super game was played out.With both teams playing the type of football likely to produce goals, France secured a vital lead courtesy of a strike from winger Jeremy Menez eight minutes into the second half.Menez might not have been on the field had the referee cautioned him for a late tackle on Yevhen Selin late in the first half after he had already been booked.But France went on to secure the win when Yohan Cabaye ran on to Karim Benzema’s pass to score with his left foot before the hour.The weather had turned from clear and sunny to humid and overcast about an hour before kick-off. During the French national anthem, the first incredible clap of thunder was heard.It rained for about 10 minutes before the downpour turned torrential and the thunder became accompanied by lightning. Referee Bjorn Kuipers had no choice but to take the players off for their own safety.For a while it looked as though the game had no chance of restarting. The pitch near the dugouts quickly became waterlogged and rumours circulated about the game being postponed until today. That, of course, would have been a disaster for these teams, who would then have had a day less to prepare for their final group games against England - in Ukraine’s case - and Sweden.A postponement would also have played havoc with precious TV schedules so perhaps it was no surprise that UEFA asked the players if they would consider continuing once the worst of the weather had past an hour later.