Why not borrow a leaf from Gacaca courts

Editor, After reading the article titled “Drama of the Kenyan case makes ICC woes seem academic”, The NewTimes June 14, I got a sense that the victims of the 2007 election violence in Kenyan would also receive better and quicker justice– if we adopted the Gacaca system.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Editor,After reading the article titled "Drama of the Kenyan case makes ICC woes seem academic”, The NewTimes June 14, I got a sense that the victims of the 2007 election violence in Kenyan would also receive better and quicker justice– if we adopted the Gacaca system. This Gacaca system, if introduced in Kenya, would give the victims an opportunity to confront their torturers/killers squarely within the crime scene. Alas now – whatever happens in the remote Hague courtoom (good or bad), will only curb extremism within the minority ruling class (Wenyeinchi) but have little impact and no tangible benefits among the majority (Wanainchi) where human rights protection is most crucial and urgent.Margarate S.Maringa