Diversification of our exports is vital

Editor, I read with much enthusiasm the story that appeared in yesterday’s issue of The New Times entitled “Horticulture to cushion economy”. I am pretty sure that horticulture can ease the country’s traditional dependence on coffee and tea.

Thursday, June 14, 2012
A Pineapple farmer at this yearu2019s agriculture expo last week. The New Times / J.Mbanda

Editor,I read with much enthusiasm the story that appeared in yesterday’s issue of The New Times entitled "Horticulture to cushion economy”. I am pretty sure that horticulture can ease the country’s traditional dependence on coffee and tea. We need to diversify our exports and economy so that we are able to create more jobs and realise futher economic growth. We have for long relied on the two traditional exports – coffee and tea – and this should change.I believe that, if adequately exploited, horticulture can contribute to poverty reduction and to economic development. It is, therefore, necessary that the government banks on export diversification.The mentality that agricultural exports should always be tea and coffee need to change. Farmers need to know that horticulture produce takes shorter time to harvest unlike most other crops.Agnes MurekeziKigali