How reliable is internet dating?

Ever wondered what internet dating is? Well, wonder no more. Also referred to as online dating, it is a service arrangement that allows principally single people to exchange some personal and vital information about themselves in an effort to  get to know each other and perhaps later become an item.

Thursday, June 14, 2012
Alinda Lillian Munanura

Ever wondered what internet dating is? Well, wonder no more. Also referred to as online dating, it is a service arrangement that allows principally single people to exchange some personal and vital information about themselves in an effort to  get to know each other and perhaps later become an item.Using the internet to find a partner is not as unusual as it might have been years ago. It has become one of the most reliable ways to find love. Since most participants are workaholics; their love issues can only be solved through organised dating programmes.However, all kinds of people use this service and for reasons mainly known to them.Out of curiosity, I did a little research on what other people thought about the issue of online dating and quite frankly I was not surprised by the responses I got.Some people believe that anybody who goes as far as to search for love on the internet or any other dating service is desperate. To put it harshly, failures at love are the ones most likely to go for it. Other people begged to differ and said that anybody could try it out. But they did insist that one has got to be brave or with a high self-esteem. Like I pointed out before, some people mentioned their busy schedules and why it is not surprising that a person would look for a partner through an organised internet dating service.Whichever way you see it, naturally, internet dating has its pros and cons. Being the 21st Century, most people don’t want their parents choosing their partners for them.  Back in the day, parents did a good job in selecting suitable partners for their children. But without a doubt, this they did with something particular in mind. They looked at the background, behaviour, disease history and basically everything there was to know about the family of a suitable in-law. The internet might have a few slots in which you can talk about yourself but what are the chances people fill in the correct information? Since there is no way to prove how correct the information is, my guess is as good as yours, chances are minimal.Sometimes people lack the confidence to bring forward pictures of what they really look like and as a result, deception becomes a skill. Naturally, another will be excited because they think they’ve landed themselves a hottie.  Ladies, you must lookout for men who swarm around like bees because before you know it, they will be asking for nude pictures or phone sex.This is probably why internet dating turns out to be a problem and not exactly the best place to find love but rather perverted men waiting to take you for a ride. Even worse, he is probably married and just satisfying his sexual fantasy.On a more cheerful note, many people have started families through online dating and other matchmaking organisations. Take precaution before you totally commit to someone you don’t know. You could get heart broken by a stranger.