The Ministry of Education (MINEDUC), Tuesday, gave 1,100 computers worth Rwf600million to various schools under the 12-Year-Basic Education (12YBE) programme.
The Ministry of Education (MINEDUC), Tuesday, gave 1,100 computers worth Rwf600million to various schools under the 12-Year-Basic Education (12YBE) programme.The Minister of State in charge of Primary and Secondary Education, Dr Mathias Harebamungu said four schools in each district across the country received 10 desktops."The objective of distributing these computers to the 12YBE schools is to improve the quality of education in the country through the promotion of ICT skills among Rwandan students,” Harebamungu said.He said last year over 1,000 computers were distributed to different schools which were under the 9-Year-Basic Education.Harebamungu said his ministry is planning to distribute about 500 science kits in 12YBE schools countrywide.Domithille Nyinawumuntu, the Headmistress of Groupe Scolaire Masoro in Rulindo District, said the donation will enable her school to improve its academic performance."We have been teaching science subjects to our students by borrowing science kits and computers from the neighbouring schools.I thank MINEDUC and the government in general for this assistance because it will motivate both the teachers and students to promote the quality of education especially as regards ICT and science subjects at the school,” Nyinawumutu said.She asked the ministry to provide her school with more computers, saying 10 computers are not enough since the school has about 500 students.Early this month, MINEDUC also started a wide scale distribution of textbooks to all schools operating under the 12-Year Basic Education (12YBE) programme.