Ngarama hospital gets Rwf300m equipment

Gatsibo - Global General Electric (GE), an American company, donated equipment worth Rwf 300 million to Ngarama hospital yesterday.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Gatsibo - Global General Electric (GE), an American company, donated equipment worth Rwf 300 million to Ngarama hospital yesterday.Dr. Leonard Bantura, hospital Director, said with the new equipment, patient referrals would be significantly reduced, adding that most of the cases that need x-ray would be handled by the hospital."There is no doubt that we were ill equipped…the equipment will allow us treat common diseases in our area. X-ray equipment will help us deal with fractured bones, internal organ check-up and a lot more,” he said.Bantura added that the lack of skills to operate and maintain most of the equipment would be the main challenge."Fortunately, GE promised to train our staff to manage and use the electronic equipments,” he said.Bob Corcoran, the Chairman of GE Foundation, who led a delegation of other Americans to deliver the equipment to the hospital, promised to support health care systems in Gatsibo District through Ngarama hospital."We shall be supporting the hospital as we have been doing in other parts of the country. Donating equipment as well as training staff will be done…the bottom line is to see quality services offered to communities,” he said.Madeline Byukusenge, the Director of good governance and social affairs in Eastern Province, said the equipment would also reduce hospital expenditures."Almost Rwf 3million was spent monthly transporting patients to referral hospitals…this will stop as the services they went for are now here. The 70KV generator donated by GE, too, is vital for such a rural hospital…we thank GE,” she said.The 1980 hospital has seven doctors, 50 nurses and a number of Paramedics, but does not have any specialist.