Armed robbers raid Rusizi

WESTERN PROVINCE Six armed robbers raided Rusizi district and killed one man. Elias Magorwa, a resident of Gikundamvura sector in Rusizi district was shot to death on Tuesday 4.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Six armed robbers raided Rusizi district and killed one man.
Elias Magorwa, a resident of Gikundamvura sector in Rusizi district was shot to death on Tuesday 4.

The gunmen are said to have raided several homes in the district in the past two months.

Magorwa was shot in the chest while trying to stop the gunmen from robbing his neighbour and died instantly.

The robbers had broken into Damascene Tegamaso’s home.

Speaking to The new Times, the Executive Secretary of Gikundamvura secotr said that the robbers had posed as visitors to Tegamaso.

He added that Tegamaso refused to open for the robbers who decided to break into his house and beat him up with his family as they requested for money.”

The police is holding six suspects at Nyakabuye police station.
The suspects include Ezekiel Usanase, Emmanuel Ntakirutimana, Fidel Hategekimana, Frederic Byiringiro, Ezekiel Nsekanabandya and Lambert Alias Mister Dadi.
