Without communication, long-distance relationships are doomed

Last year my boyfriend decided to go to school abroad and we had in depth conversations about how we would make it work and we felt comfortable with the decision. It’s been 6 months now and I’m not so sure anymore.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012
u201cItu2019s a guy thingu201d

Last year my boyfriend decided to go to school abroad and we had in depth conversations about how we would make it work and we felt comfortable with the decision. It’s been 6 months now and I’m not so sure anymore.

At first we were doing good with the communication using skype dates,phone calls, emails etc and it didn’t seem that bad. However recently, he doesn’t seem to make time for us anymore. I feel like I have to beg for skype dates and he never calls back and his excuse is always "oh I’m busy”. Well we’re all busy but we are in a relationship and need to make it work.  Anyway I don’t want the neglect to lead to either of us looking for company elsewhere or just drifting off. We used to be really close and I want to know how to fix this but still respect him and his life at school.ChloeDear Chloe,First of all, I absolutely hate the idea of long-distance relationships. The reason we are in a ‘relationship’, most of the time at least, is to have someone to share our days (and nights) with. But I guess these kinds of relationships are simply a sign of the times. So, have you actually talked to him about how you feel you are in danger of slipping apart? He might simply have a lot on his plate and he’s taking the relationship for granted. You haven’t told me how long you’ve been dating. In my experience, the longer you’ve dated, the more he will take it for granted that your relationship is strong enough to withstand a bit of silence. Again, this is all about verbalizing your issues and telling him how you feel. We men are a clueless bunch. If he doesn’t attempt to improve, you might have to start thinking about parachuting out of the relationship…or just taking a small break.  If you have question to ask me, contact