From the Editor

In our Sunday Mag today, we piece together for you the usual variety of good reads from our regular contributors. Ingina I’Igihanga, Diaspoman, Rachna Pande, Patrick Buchyana and others.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

In our Sunday Mag today, we piece together for you the usual variety of good reads from our regular contributors. Ingina I’Igihanga, Diaspoman, Rachna Pande, Patrick Buchyana and others.Ingina in his reflections, takes us through his old school days giving a peep into the no nonsense character of his mathematics teacher, Rwabibi and much more. Rachna Pande, today, dwells on how to deal with fatigue and its causes. She advises against over working oneself, beyond his orher capabilities or levels of endurance.The relationship counsellor Auntie Kiki gives useful advice to a woman who learns about her husband’s infidelity. Her former house help, she discovers, is pregnant with her husbands’ child. Kiki gives her marital advice on how to handle the trying moments she is going through. We also have some good reading material on relationships courtesy of our regular contributor Dean Kalemera. Meanwhile, the Hater takes a break from his hating. He will be back next weekend.The humorous Diaspoman is at it again, with his usual rib cracking stuff. He takes us through his ailment with Amoebiasis thanks to his love for roasted meat. Meanwhile, the Villager is on a trip to Johannesburg, where his rural character comes into play. We also have Patrick Buchana giving his take on what the best perfume for men is. Have a terrific weekend.