Heartfelt greetings from Kigali City School children

“My greetings go to my daddy, mummy, my family members, my friends like Kabatesi, Mutesi, Kirezi and others at school.” Devine Rangira

Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Devine Rangira

"My greetings go to my daddy, mummy, my family members, my friends like Kabatesi, Mutesi, Kirezi and others at school.”Devine Rangira "Special greetings go to my daddy, my uncle in Uganda, my best friends; Charity, Phionah, Chrispine, Aline and Doreen.”Mary Kamgaju"I would like to extend my warm greetings to my daddy, mom, my sister and brother and appreciate in a special way, my parents who are taking good care of me.”Patience Kabatesi"Greetings go my friends; Hamidah, Gisele, my mother, father, brothers and my sisters.Diane Uwera "I send greetings out to my father, my sister Teta, my friend Gideon and I would like to take this opportunity to thank my brother Egine for being so good to me.”Eric Mukama "I love you daddy, mom, my brothers and sisters.”Claude Muhizi"I would like to send my greetings to my parents and all my friends at school.” Aime Ikuzwe"I send greetings to my parents, my friends at my school and those elsewhere.” Shemusa UwaseMy name is Dianah Kirezi and I would like to send my greetings to my parents, friends and my sister.I am called Brenda Mutesi, I send shout outs to Daddy, Mom, Hamidah, Diane, Shemusa, Peace and my entire family.