Love your friends all the time

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sheila Abatoni, and loved her friends a lot. Most of the time, she talked about her friends wherever she went. Her friend included both boys and girls, but mostly she had girlfriends whom she could play with at home and at school.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Loving your friends makes them happy. Net photo.

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sheila Abatoni, and loved her friends a lot. Most of the time, she talked about her friends wherever she went. Her friend included both boys and girls, but mostly she had girlfriends whom she could play with at home and at school. She loved her friends so much, and that is why she prayed for them every day.One time one of her friend Mary became sick and Abatoni was so sad. She told her Sunday school teachers about this and asked them to pray for her dear friend, which they surely did. Even when she knew that Mary would become alright, she wasn’t happy because she couldn’t see her at school. Abatoni hoped that one day the sickness would go away so that she could play with her friend.Because of her prayers and love, Mary soon got better and Abatoni was so happy that God had heard her prayers and made Mary alright. She always encouraged her friends to be there for each other because they could help and learn from each other. Today, Abatoni has many friends to play with. They love her and she loves them too. Even when one does something bad to her, she always finds a place in her heart to forgive them. When she hurts them too, she says sorry too. Because of this, Abatoni, Mary and all their friends are happier than ever.