Are you responsible for your choices?

Choosing what you want to be in the future starts right from the moment you realise that you can make mature decisions—that is at secondary school.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Your decisions determine your future. Net photo.

Choosing what you want to be in the future starts right from the moment you realise that you can make mature decisions—that is at secondary school. Usually the combination you choose to do, the school you decide to go to and what you do during that time affects your future.While at school, students usually don’t regard the time to make combination choices as vital. Most will choose what their friends have taken, or combinations that have a lot of prestige—regardless of whether they are talented in those fields. It is not until they start failing that they begin hopping from one combination to another.Teens should remember that their future careers mostly depend on their high school subject choices. Besides career choices, personal character matters. The people you interact with today could be the same people you will meet 10 years down the road in the job market. If you are synonymous for stealing, bullying or any other malpractice at school, don’t be surprised when these acts cost you a job in the future—just because an interviewer or employers was your schoolmate.Without forgetting to identify your weaknesses and strengths, always seek advice from those who have been there and made it. Such will guide you on the best life choices to make. Life is all about the choices one makes, they are the ones that shape or break ones destiny.Therefore, always be keen, set goals and work persistently along your principles in order to become a person of excellence.