Arise and shine; the benefits of waking up early

“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” You might have come across this at some point of your life. This proverb indicates that waking up early is certainly better than having a bad routine.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Late nights affect the academic participation of teenagers. Net photo.

"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” You might have come across this at some point of your life. This proverb indicates that waking up early is certainly better than having a bad routine. Studies have shown that the sleeping pattern slightly changes among teens due to fluctuating hormones and there is definitely the temptation to sleep late at nights or pull all-nighters. In such instances, when they do wake up early, they don’t have enough energy to deal with various mental and physical challenges throughout the day. Probably this explains all the grumpy and moody teens hovering around. Because of this lack of concentration, their class participation and academic performance maybe affected.Teens that spend late nights watching movies, partying, chatting online, or just trolling the internet will most likely wake up late, which leads to a delay in embarking on the day’s activities or simply chilling out with absolutely nothing to do. This eventually leads to disorganisation throughout the day.Here are five some useful tips that might help you out of bed in time: 1.Go to bed earlier: This will simply get you enough sleep but also help you wake up earlier.2.Use an alarm clock: This is one of the obvious ways to wake you up but make sure not to abuse the snooze function! A simple trick is to make the alarm sound loud, annoying and not easily accessible. 3.Ask an adult: You can always ask your guardian or elder siblings who wake up earlier to wake you up. They would be glad by the fact that you are trying to be more responsible (Yes, waking up early indicates maturity and responsibility!)4.Have a good reason to leave the bed: This is a very useful tool because it motivates you to get up. Always try to have a clear mind-set before going to sleep and then you will look forward to waking up.5.Beware of the consequences: Getting up late would not only make you lose quality time but also affect your healthy routine.The writer is a 17- year-old teenager