Who benefits from DRC’s conflict?

Editor, Reference is made to Joseph Rwagatare’s piece titled “Who benefits from the conflict in DRC?” The New Times, June, 12. It hit the nail squarely on the head.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Editor,Reference is made to Joseph Rwagatare’s piece titled "Who benefits from the conflict in DRC?” The New Times, June, 12. It hit the nail squarely on the head. The role of the so-called international community in creating and perpetuating this mess can not be overemphasized. The overwhelming responsibility for this situation, however, primarily remains with President Joseph Kabila’s government. As nature abhors a vacuum, it isn’t surprising that all sorts of adventurers (UN, self-seeking NGOs or violent terror groups) have sprung up to fill that vacuum and are thriving. They don’t want this situation to end! Mwene Kalinda