Indian delegation to support Rwandan SMEs

Editor, I was delighted to read an article that appeared in The New Times of June, 7, titled “Ministry earmarks 26 % of budget to SMEs.”

Tuesday, June 12, 2012
YOUTH AT WORK: SMEs are critical for development. The New Times / File.

Editor,I was delighted to read an article that appeared in The New Times of June, 7, titled "Ministry earmarks 26 % of budget to SMEs.”It is very encouraging to learn that the Ministry of Trade and Industry allocated 26 % of their Rwf 18 billion budget for the development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the country during the upcoming fiscal year.Allow me to share with your readers, that a 20- member Indian SME Delegation will arrive in Kigali on July, 29, 2012 with a view to supporting Rwandan SMEs and also promoting trade, tourism and investments into the country.This mission is supported by the Indian Merchants’ Chamber (IMC ), a 105 year old Premier Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the country. The Rwanda Private Sector Federation (PSF ) has already signed a Memorandum of Understanding with IMC , thereby facilitating a two way exchange of business ideas and solutions.The Export - Import Bank of India is also expected to send a senior official to be part of this important delegation.The pivitol role played by the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) and the Rwanda High Commission in New Delhi in facilitating such initiatives is, indeed, commendable. Rwandan SMEs would do well to participate in the Seminar and the business to business meetings that will take place in Kigali, thereby enhancing their global footprints.