Response to Herbert Asiimwe’s article

Editor, I wish to respond to an article by Herbert M. Asiimwe, titled, “The positive impact of tree planting on climate change”, which was published in The New Times of Saturday, June 9.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Editor,I wish to respond to an article by Herbert M. Asiimwe, titled, "The positive impact of tree planting on climate change”, which was published in The New Times of Saturday, June 9.

Generally the article made a great read.  It was so relevant with Rwanda’s experience, and I only wish the author had backed it up with statistical evidence regarding temperatures, rainfall patterns etc for Bugesera and Umutara dating back to the 1990s – basically, how far they have come.That would have made his argument story. Nonetheless, the message came out and it was spot on.Nicholas MuhiireEditor,Sounds Good, Herbert; continue the gospel... As one of the young Rwandan social entrepreneurs in the Diaspora I have considered including it in the curriculum of applied social entrepreneurship. I believe it could help the youth across the globe to start discovering the opportunities that come with implementing green businesses/enterprises.George William