Cater for the disabled as well

Editor, I wish to respond to the story under the headline, “Local Govt allocates lion’s share of budget to survivors, veterans”, which was published in The New Times last week.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Editor,I wish to respond to the story under the headline, "Local Govt allocates lion’s share of budget to survivors, veterans”, which was published in The New Times last week. In the story, officials from the Ministry of Local Government were quoted as saying that the ministry would pay more attention to former combatants and vulnerable Genocide survivors, with a view of reintegrating them in society and improving their welfare.I must say I agree with the plans. However, I would also like to draw attention to another equally needy constituency – people living with disabilities. I appeal to Minaloc to try to increase their budgetary allocation for the welfare of the disabled people. That will not only change the fortunes of the people living with disabilities but also give them the opportunity to develop their families and nation – like everyone else does.Vincent