Accountability Matters

  A report from the National Public Prosecution Authority (NPPA), shows that a total of 342 civil servants have been prosecuted for causing massive financial losses to the government.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

 A report from the National Public Prosecution Authority (NPPA), shows that a total of 342 civil servants have been prosecuted for causing massive financial losses to the government.These are officials who are among the 418, indicated in the 2007-2010 Auditors Generals report as supposed to be investigated by the NPPA.The financial loss, a result of fraud, illegal awarding of tenders and mismanagement of public assets was caused by financial controllers, heads of institutions and members of tender awarding committees.The NPPA is among the several offices in the country that are working to stamp out graft in the public sector.Parliament, through the Public Accounts Committee has also been involved in the fight against graft. Recently there have also been reports in regard to public officials who failed to declare their wealth facing the wrath of the Ombudsman’s office and the NPPA.All these efforts geared at enforcing accountability, though work in progress, have already registered notable results. The country remains with low levels of corruption and public services work efficiently.Importantly, it ought to be noted that political will on part of the national leadership, has ensured that whoever is entrusted with public office, has to account.Public servants, convicted of fraud and corruption or mismanagement of public funds, have been sentenced to prison terms while others have been forced to pay fines or return whatever they are proved to have stolen.The prosecution of such public servants sends signals to all; that accountability matters and no one will escape the long arm of the law once found to have abused or misused public office and trust.