Jobseeker’s Diary

I think I’ve mentioned before that I’m a sucker for everything Royal. I love my King back home and I’ll read or watch just about anything about his family, projects, travels etc. I do my best to follow up on other royals in and out of my country too. The Swazi King and his many wives, the Swedish, Norwegian and Danish monarchs too.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

I think I’ve mentioned before that I’m a sucker for everything Royal. I love my King back home and I’ll read or watch just about anything about his family, projects, travels etc. I do my best to follow up on other royals in and out of my country too. The Swazi King and his many wives, the Swedish, Norwegian and Danish monarchs too. But the royals who most fascinate me are the British. I love them to death. I enjoy the good stories as much as the scandals. I pore over pictures of the Queen, her children, grandchildren and their pals, many of which I’ve saved on my computer and I was wondering why it is so slow! Anyway, last weekend, I took a front seat in front of my TV and took part in the celebrations. I must have clocked over 20 hours over the four days it took to mark the Diamond Jubilee. Of course my performance at work suffered but I hope the boss will understand that a Diamond Jubilee only comes around every 60 years. One other thing I love about the British are their hats. Some are outrageous but others are really nice and sometimes I feel like going out there and buying one or two, except that most cost upwards of $100! Speaking of hats, can’t Her Majesty’s stylist do something to tweak her pieces a bit? I’m not saying the ones she wears are bad but I think we all agree that the Queen’s outfits and bags are predictable and "safe”. Would it be so bad if she went without the coat for instance or wore stilettos instead of those sensible black shoes? There are a number of pretty young things hanging around the Queen these days. Kate Middleton for one is fast becoming a style Icon. Surely, she can provide a little inspiration.  Wardrobe issues aside, the Queen has done a good job these last 60 years and the turnout for the celebrations showed that. That said, I think she needs to step aside. Most people her age retired 20 or so years ago and she really needs to kick off those shoes and lay back, considering she started this journey at only 25 before she had a chance to really enjoy life. Something tells me Charles is frustrated but can’t do anything about it. I’m sure he loves his mother but there must be times he wonders when he’ll ascend the throne. At 64, I too would be frustrated. A guest on BBC Radio from Burundi was recounting a few traditions from the Burundian monarchy many years ago. Apparently, if a King lived beyond a certain age, he was given a special drink to facilitate his passing to make way for younger blood. It was only done for the good of the kingdom. Now, I’m not suggesting that anyone laces the Queen’s drink with some funky stuff. I just wish there was a way she would make way for Charles. Already, some subjects are suggesting that Charles should pass for William, which I think would be unfair. But that is not the worst part. The British could wake up one day and say they no longer want the monarchy and poor Charles would have waited in vain. Let’s hope that day doesn’t come.To be continued….