Mechatronics, a new interdisciplinary department inaugurated at the Integrated Polytechnic Regional Centre (IPRC Tumba) located in Rulindo District, which combines mechanics, electronics, computing, automation, and control systems, is expected to bridge the skills gap in technical fields.
The department, pledged by French President Emmanuel Macron during his visit to Rwanda in May 2021 and the school, is in line with the government’s targets for the development of TVET education.
Over 150 students have enrolled in mechatronics engineering so far. Most of them have completed studies in TVET schools, and some have studied general sciences as well.
ALSO READ: Construction of Rwf8.5bn mechatronics facility kicks off at IPRC-Tumba
"The mechatronics department is a solution for those who attended TVET schools and want to continue in higher education; we have those who did electrical and electronics studies, mechanical manufacturing, and general studies,” said Raymond Ndacyayisaba, Head of the Mechatronics Department.
He added, "This will increase the number of skilled mechatronics technicians in the labour market. Mechatronics&039; vision is to help reduce the country’s reliance on outside expertise by increasing employment and lowering labour costs as modern and automated industries are rising in Rwanda.”
The Minister of State in charge of ICT and TVET, Claudette Irere, stated that this department would not only benefit local industries but also regional industries.
"Mechatronics is intended to quickly respond to the needs of local and regional industries by providing highly qualified and competent technicians. This qualification provides the necessary skills, knowledge, and attitudes for employment in the Mechatronics industry,” she said.
She continued: "In this department, we have modern, practical equipment, which gives us hope that students will get more practical courses that would be useful in their careers as we move into the technological era.”
The mechatronics programme has been financed through a Rwf4 billion grant from the Agence française de développement (AFD) with the aim of reinforcing technical and vocational training in Rwanda.
"This is a symbol of collaboration between the French government and Rwanda; we are proud to be opening this new programme, only two years after the visit of French President Emmanuel Macron to IPRC Tumba, during which he highlighted France’s commitment to supporting youth, in line with the country’s ambitions outlined in Vision 2050,” said French Ambassador to Rwanda, Antoine Anfré.
The mechatronics programme consists of eight workshops, including manufacturing, mechanical, automation, pneumatics and hydraulics, industrial electricity and domestic electricity, electronics, computer simulation and modelling.