It’s all about patience; there are no answers in darkness

Lessons in life are learnt and meaningful they are to those who wait. It might be instant or a slow process but it is bound to happen.  And when it happens, everything is crystal clear.

Sunday, June 10, 2012
patienCE MATTERS: Buyers lining up patientely to buy a latest version of the Iphone. Net Photo.

Lessons in life are learnt and meaningful they are to those who wait. It might be instant or a slow process but it is bound to happen.  And when it happens, everything is crystal clear.

While I thought that most of the things in my world were falling apart-considering that I am the impatient type- I decided to hold on a little longer and waited on divine intervention. Whatever it was that my friend told me, it hit me and instantly I knew what to do about my situation. Everything was crystal clear. This same thing happened to a friend who was torn between his stressful job and his welfare. Nonetheless, he made a decision but it came at an emotional cost. His personal demands were many on top of other obligations that come with age.  He said he felt like a failure but still made the decision to stop. It was time for him to fly free and break all the shackles that were tying him down. This is what many call an outward look of reality arrived at by an insightful understanding. It might be through prayer, thought or a snap back to reality. Either way, it is a clear moment when a person understands what they are supposed to do. The myth becomes a reality. Those clear moments.It’s when you understand that your current job will not take you any further than the monthly cheque you receive. One evening, while trying to fit into your party dress, you realize that if you don’t exercise more you might need a new wardrobe and at a risk of other health complications.  It might be after expecting a green light from the girl you took out on several dates but it doesn’t come through. And it downs on you that talking too much on the first date is a recipe for disaster or having no idea how to conduct yourself at a dinner is much worse than you thought. Many people especially men don’t have the patience to wait for the right revelation. On the other hand, women have the impatience when their biological clock is fast ticking. They usually don’t turn out to be good. The lady will force her way around into a man’s life even though it means getting pregnant out of wedlock (does it still matter?), she puts pressure on the man, he refuses to commit, they break up, she nurses heartbreak, moves on, dates someone new, and the whole sequence starts again.Few people have the virtue of patience and without it; grave mistakes have been committed including rejection, aloneness and disappointmentsAfter it’s all said and done, when the mistake has been realized, it won’t help jumping from mistake to another. Rather take some time off to think and reflect where things went wrong. Reflection might include prayer, observation or counseling. The only negative aspect of making mistakes is that people decide to "drink” and "smoke” their problems away. The solutions are short-term (temporary memory loss) but once sober the problem is still right there. This will only help confuse your brain the more. Always remember, there are no answers in darkness.