DRC to host regional intelligence centre

Congolese Foreign Minister, Raymond Tshibanda N’Tungamulongo, and Alphonse Ntumba Luaba Executive Secretary of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR), on Thursday signed an agreement which will see DR Congo host the headquarters of an intelligence sharing centre for the Great Lakes region.

Saturday, June 09, 2012
DRC's Raymond Tshibanda N'Tungamulongo. Net photo.

Congolese Foreign Minister, Raymond Tshibanda N’Tungamulongo, and Alphonse Ntumba Luaba Executive Secretary of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR), on Thursday signed an agreement which will see DR Congo host the headquarters of an intelligence sharing centre for the Great Lakes region. "The agreement which has been signed is a strong indication of the commitment of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) to continue working for the stability, peace and development of the Great Lakes region,” Tshibanda said. He requested the ICGLR Executive Secretary to quickly make the centre operational "so that it can address the recent occurrences in the region, which constitute a serious threat to stability, peace and security.”The centre will contribute to the consolidation of peace and security within the Great Lakes region. Ntuba Luaba said that the activities of the intelligence sharing centre will begin on June 13, 2012 in a building that has been availed to ICGLR by the DR Congo government.