Districts rewarded for innovation

The Ministry of Local Government (MINALOC), yesterday, gave varying cash rewards to five districts for some of their innovative projects.

Saturday, June 09, 2012
Huye District vice Mayor Cyprien Mutwarangabo receives a cheque from Local Government Minister James Musoni (R) and Southern Province Governor Alphonse Munyentali. Photo T. Kisambira.

The Ministry of Local Government (MINALOC), yesterday, gave varying cash rewards to five districts for some of their innovative projects.The awards were given out on the Innovation Day that was held under the theme "Promoting Local Economic Development” which was organised by the Rwandese Association of Local Government Authorities (RALGA).The most innovative project to be awarded was from Huye District which collected a cash prize of Rwf 7.5 million.The winning project is a multi-storied shopping complex that was constructed by a consortium of local business operators, grouped under Ingenzi Cooperative, which the district mayor said has transformed lives of many people in the district.Gasabo District emerged first runner up, taking Rwf7m, Nyabihu was third with Rwf6.5m whereas Rwf5.5million was awarded to Rutsiro District and Kayonza took Rwf5million.The selection for the best innovation projects was carried out by an independent committee of individuals selected from various public and private institutions in the country.Addressing those present, the Minister of Local Government, James Musoni said the event was aimed at identifying and analyzing various innovative activities being carried out in the local authorities."I encourage you to play a key role in sensitizing the population to be innovative and creative because this will help the country to increase its production and achieve economic development right from the grassroots,” Musoni said. The Mayor of Gasabo District, Willy Ndizeye who spoke on behalf of the winners thanked RALGA for organising the innovation competition saying it helps local authorities strive to being creative.