Coconut milk and its benefits

YOU only need to eat food cooked in coconut milk to appreciate it. Last Sunday my family and I were invited to Premji’s house, where his wife prepared all of us a sumptuous Indian cuisine. My partner being an upcountry man had never tasted this before, I saw him enjoying his food and he winked at me as a sign of appreciating the food.

Friday, June 08, 2012

YOU only need to eat food cooked in coconut milk to appreciate it.Last Sunday my family and I were invited to Premji’s house, where his wife prepared all of us a sumptuous Indian cuisine. My partner being an upcountry man had never tasted this before, I saw him enjoying his food and he winked at me as a sign of appreciating the food.Later on, as we were talking; I asked about the menu, and our hosts let us in on why Indians cook most of their foods in coconut milk. Something that I was not aware of is that coconut had so many health benefits. In fact, according to Premji’s wife, children are given coconut oil, because it helps them in the growth process, and adds some needed fat in a child’s body.Botanically speaking, a coconut is a fibrous one-seeded drupe, also known as a dry drupe. However, when using loose definitions, the coconut can be all three: a fruit, a nut, and a seed. Coconut milk is extracted by grating mature coconuts and squeezing them by using cheese cloth or both bare hands. It is used in several food recipes like sauces, delicious curries and desserts. Apart from making foods tastier and creamier, coconut milk is also a healthy addition to various food preparations.Coconut milk has any many health benefits according to www.drgranny.comCoconut helps to maintain blood sugar levels: Glucose intolerance may cause manganese deficiency in your body, and coconut milk is a rich source of manganese. Coconut keeps skin and blood vessels flexible and elastic: Copper is a very important mineral for most of the bodily functions. Copper and vitamin C help to maintain the flexibility and elasticity of the skin and blood vessels. Coconut milk is also used in skin-care products to moisturize the skin and relieve dry skin and rashes. It is also used on the hair and in baths.Its aids in building strong bones: Coconut milk is rich in phosphorus. Phosphorus is an essential nutrient that the body needs for strengthening bones. It is essential to take phosphorus with calcium particularly to prevent bone loss because it supplies phosphate to the body.Anemia: Lack of iron is the most common nutrient deficiency among the people throughout the world. Iron deficiency in the body does not allow the body to develop enough hemoglobin for keeping sufficient oxygen levels in red blood cells, resulting in anemia. Each cup of coconut milk supplies the body with nearly a quarter of the daily value of iron.Lowering high blood pressure: People who are concerned about their blood pressure will not face any problem consuming foods containing potassium which is contained in coconut milk. Potassium helps in lowering blood pressure levels in the body.Maintaining healthy immune system: Coconut milk helps in warding off colds. It supplies vitamin C to the body which boosts the immune system, because half the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut milk are composed of lauric acid, which is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-fungal.Life has been made simple, coconut milk is found almost everywhere in the supermarkets; try it in your foods and you will never regret, not only will the men come home running for the sumptuous meal, but your family will be equally healthier.