Stop blaming others, solve your problems

Editor, I wish to respond to the article by Liban Mugabo, titled, “The UN’s Incompetence in DRC”, in Wednesday’s issue of The New Times.  What I find disturbing is when people start blaming others for their problems, instead of simply advising their beloved countries to be more strategic on foreign affairs.

Friday, June 08, 2012

Editor,I wish to respond to the article by Liban Mugabo, titled, "The UN’s Incompetence in DRC”, in Wednesday’s issue of The New Times.  What I find disturbing is when people start blaming others for their problems, instead of simply advising their beloved countries to be more strategic on foreign affairs.

Yes the United Nations has failed somehow, somewhere but I think our biggest problem in Africa is that we don’t realise we are part of the problem, as well, and I believe that everyone knows that.I would like to ask all journalists and media houses around the world to be more professional in analyzing world issues and not to just defend their countries by making them look good for awhile.Henry