Clergy vow to champion democracy

Local churches have vowed to teach people in their respective communities about democracy and good governance.

Friday, June 08, 2012

Local churches have vowed to teach people in their respective communities about democracy and good governance.This came up yesterday during a one day workshop in Rwamagana organised by the National Electoral Commission (NEC), to promote civic education in civil society.Teaching Rwandans civic education will enable them to own the democratic processes, demand accountability of their leaders and guard against any rights abuses, according to the church leaders."The churches have a responsibility to champion civic education without delay…the training calls us to take responsibilities beyond routine pastoral work,” said a church leader.Pastor Martin Semukanya, the chairman of Union of Churches in Rwamagana District, reiterated that it was high time churches got involved in building a democratic society.He noted that elections were important in promoting democracy, adding that communities have always needed freedom to make choices."We are going to support the leadership in promoting democracy and good governance. One of the principles of democracy is elections. The church is close to people and I am sure we shall send the good message alongside the spiritual one,” he said.Olive Kansanga the Director of Civic Education, NEC said civil society was essential in promoting democracy and good governance through elections.She added that church leaders were important members of the civil society in as far as disseminating democratic values in society were concerned because of their big access to the masses.