Prosecution seeks 20 years for defilement suspect

The prosecution, yesterday, suggested a 20-year sentence for Emmanuel Hakizimana, who is facing charges of defiling and cohabiting with an under aged girl, before the Intermediate Court of Gasabo.

Friday, June 08, 2012

The prosecution, yesterday, suggested a 20-year sentence for Emmanuel Hakizimana, who is facing charges of defiling and cohabiting with an under aged girl, before the Intermediate Court of Gasabo.Prosecution alleges that Hakizimana, 24, a resident of Musezero, Gisozi Sector in Gasabo District, defiled a girl (name withheld) aged 15, in June last year.The victim now has a child as a result of Hakizimana’s actions.Prosecution alleged that the defendant took advantage of the victim, who was looking for a job as a domestic worker."The defendant had promised to get her a job somewhere, but instead took her to his home and defiled her, even knowing that the girl was still under age,” prosecution said.This was after Hakizimana told court, presided  by Callixte Twagiramungu, that he didn’t know that the victim was under age.Instead, Hakizimana, who pleaded guilty of the offence, requested court to pardon him on grounds that he is the only hope for his child and the girl"If you give me this sentence, how will my child live without any support?”His request, however, prompted the prosecution to ask court to also prosecute him, for committing another crime:  making an under aged girl, a housewife, which is against the law.The law states that anyone who makes a girl aged below 21, a housewife, faces a jail of between two months and two years.Prosecution also proposed a fine of Rwf100, 000 against the accused in case he is convicted.The magistrate adjourned the case to June 15, when the verdict will be read.A total of 1782 defilement crimes were registered last year, up from 1654 in 2011 and 1622 in 2009.About 314 cases were also registered in this year’s first two months.