Musanze school gets 400 nooks

Musanze-based Sonrise High School has received a total of 420 hand-held digital readers known as nooks worth approximately Rwf20million.

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Musanze-based Sonrise High School has received a total of 420 hand-held digital readers known as nooks worth approximately Rwf20million.

The equipment was donated by Barnes and Noble bookstore, the largest book retailer in the United States, through the Liberty Media Corporation (LMC), an American media conglomerate.

While handing over the gadgets to the students, Mark Carleton, the Senior Vice President of LMC noted that it was vital for students to access reading material.

"It is a cultural practice that students must be exposed to reading material as much as possible if they are to excel. This is our vision here,” Carleton said as he demonstrated how the gadget operates