Someone change the ‘welcome’ signage near Kigali Int’l Airport

Editor, Please allow me to begin by thanking Diana Mpyisi for her piece, ‘‘A bit more creativity with our billboards, please’’, published in The New Times of yesterday.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012
The signage that ushers visitors into Rwanda, which is erected near KIA. The New Times / John Mbanda.

Editor,Please allow me to begin by thanking Diana Mpyisi for her piece, ‘‘A bit more creativity with our billboards, please’’, published in The New Times of yesterday.

It was about time someone addressed this issue of billboards. Each time I go to the airport I’m astonished by the Murakaza Neza (Welcome/ Safe Journey) words written on a huge billboard erected just a few meters from the Kigali International Airport (KIA).The wordings hang high on the top, straddling across the two-way road. What upsets me most are the colours used! The dark writings (in black) on a dark background (Blue and green) are hardly readable. I appeal to our designers and the City of Kigali to change and use some bright colours if they are to pass on the intended message.DH